Seismic energy released by high-frequency earthquake swarms at Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. January 1986-August 1987


  • Álvaro Nieto Ingeominas
  • Fernando Muñóz C. Ingeominas



Colombia, frequency, energy levels, volcanic activity, energy released, Richter, seismic source

How to Cite

Nieto, Álvaro, & Muñóz C., F. (1988). Seismic energy released by high-frequency earthquake swarms at Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. January 1986-August 1987. Boletín Geológico, 29(3), 3–20.







The study of the seismic energy released by each of the seismic sources determined using the procedure proposed for High Frequency events by Muñoz and Nieto (1988) is carried out to try to determine energy levels and relate them to other monitoring methods and manifestations of volcanic activity.

For this purpose, the duration of the events that make up each of the earthquake swarms located in each sector was measured, thus calculating the energy released by each seismic source using Richter's formula (1958):

Log E=9.9+ 1.9 ML-0.024ML2

The seven seismic sources determined so far in the Nevado del Ruiz volcano present different degrees of activity, and some of them are registered several days before important ash emissions.

The relationship between these seismic sources and their location, and the relative energy of the swarms, as well as the general volcanic activity (tremor, ash and gas emissions, deformation), can be a possible means for the identification of premonitory activity and be relevant in the monitoring and forecasting process.


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