The "Jura-Triassic" of Colombia
Colombia, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, Girón Formation, Comtemporane Deposits, PaleogirónLicense
Copyright (c) 1964 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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In several recent geological articles and maps, the designation "Jura-Triassic" is still used for the Giron Formation and contemporaneous deposits. However, this designation is imprecise and, in some cases, incorrect because a part of the "Giron" is of the Pennsylvanian age, and another part was deposited in the Middle and Upper Liassic. Except for the pre-Payandé, no layers of the "Girón" type are known in the Triassic of Colombia.
For this reason, it is recommended to use the term "Palaeogiron" for Pennsylvanian layers of the Giron type and the term "Neogiron" for those of the Lyassic age. The term "Giron" should be applied only in a purely lithostratigraphic sense to designate continental layers of the Giron facies, whose age is not defined.
A table shows the chronostratigraphic position of the main Triassic and Liassic formations of Colombia.
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