Report of "El Socorro" Mine, Mercurio, municipality of Aguadas, department of Caldas
Colombia, economic deposit, cinnabar, free mercury, mineralizationLicense
Copyright (c) 1962 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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This is a study of cinnabar and free mercury occurrences in "El Socorro," near the El Mico stream, municipality of Aguadas, Caldas department.
Four plates indicate the geographical position of the studied area. They are cinnabar flecks in milky quartz lenses accompanied by carbonate and free mercury droplets in cavities.
In our opinion, it is an economic deposit of very little, if any, importance, for we are inclined to believe that it is of no value.
It is recommended that a 2- to 3-meter-deep borehole be opened in the bed of the El Mico stream, which will require the stream to be diverted; there will be difficulties in digging the borehole: pumps will need to be installed to extract the water. However, these works will better indicate the importance of the deposit.
- H. W. NELSON. - Contribution to the Geology of the Central and Western Cordillera of Colombia in the sector between Ibagué and Cali.