Geology of the Departments of Antioquia and Caldas (Sub-zone II - A)
Colombia, Central Coordillera, metamorphism, orogenies, lithological description, sedimentationLicense
Copyright (c) 1972 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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This report summarizes the geology of an approximate 6000 km zone2 in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. This area, located in the north-central part of the department of Antioquia, was mapped between 1964 and 1968 as part of the National Mineral Inventory (IMN) program. In addition, the mineral resources of a 22 000 km area 2called II-A within IMN Zone II, which includes areas mapped by other institutions, are also described.
The oldest formation in this area is a Lower Paleozoic or possibly Upper Precambrian micaceous paragneiss. A thick eugeosynclinal sequence, accumulated during the Paleozoic, began to metamorphose regionally to green shale facies and locally to amphibolite facies during the Permian or Lower Triassic. These schists and gneisses are jointly designated as the Valdivia Group. Permian (?) orogenic metamorphic episodes include intrusion of concordant syntectonic plutons, mainly of tonalitic composition; no rocks were found whose age is unequivocally Triassic or Jurassic.
Both sedimentary and igneous formations represent the Cretaceous. Alpine eugeosynclinal ophiolites comprising submarine basalt flows and numerous gabbro and serpentinite intrusions along with flysch sediments composed of marine shales and, to a lesser extent, sandstones and conglomerates are prominent in the Lower Cretaceous. The Upper Cretaceous is represented along the western edge of the mapped area by submarine flows of basalt and pyroclastic rocks, locally interbedded with clastic sedimentary rocks, fine granular and laminated dark chert lenses, part of which contains radiolarians. The Upper Cretaceous is marked by another tecto-orogenic event that folded and faulted all rocks causing low-grade metamorphism, little evidence in the pre-Cretaceous rocks, and only discernible in the Cretaceous rocks. The Late Cretaceous orogeny culminated in the discordant intrusion of the epizonal and tonalitic Antioquian Batholith. Displacement along the Romeral strike-slip fault may have started in the Cretaceous.
The hornblende diorite pluton at Sabanalarga indicates that plutonism continued during the Cenozoic. Intermountain basins were filled by molasse derived from the erosion of adjacent mountains. Tertiary sedimentation in the littoral zones included organic carbonaceous matter later transformed into lignite or sub-bituminous coal. The Sabanalarga fault system originated in the Upper Tertiary and continued intermittent displacements of older strike-slip faults such as the Romeral fault. Epeirogenic uplift, which probably began in the Pliocene and continued during the Pleistocene and Holocene, renewed erosional processes, which have given the mountains their present shape.
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