Classification of mineral resources
United States, Canada, USSR, United Nations, exploration, exploitation, economyLicense
Copyright (c) 1982 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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The most widely used classification systems of mineral resources worldwide come from countries whose mining technology has exerted notable influence, such as the United States, Canada, some European countries, and the USSR.
Two years ago, the United Nations Economic and Social Council, through the Committee on Mineral Resources, promoted the standardization of definitions and terminology for mineral resources and proposed an international classification of mineral resources, based on the report prepared by a remarkable group of experts. All these proposed systems are explained and analyzed individually and as a whole and compared with each other.
In addition, some suggestions are made regarding the graphical presentation of the proposed United Nations system.
BONDARENKO, l., 1976. - The resource classification system of the URSS for hard minerals. Informe preparado para el Centro de Recursos Naturales, Energía y Transportes, 21, New York, Citado en Naciones Unidas, 1979.
ECKSTRAND, O., R., 1977. - Mineral Resource Appraisal and Mineral Deposits Computer Files in the Geological Survey of Canadá. Mathematical Geology, Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 235-258.
NACIONES UNIDAS, 1979. - La clasificación internacional de los recursos minerales. Consejo Económico y Social, Informe E/C. 7 /104.
U. S. BUREAU OF MINES, U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1976.- Principies of the Mineral Resource Classification System of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1450-B.