Notes on the tectonostratigraphic context of formation of the Colombian emeralds




Emerald, stratigraphy, tectonic, Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

How to Cite

Terraza Melo, R. (2019). Notes on the tectonostratigraphic context of formation of the Colombian emeralds. Boletín Geológico, (45), 37–48.







The geological explorations carried out by the Colombian Geological Survey (SGC, in Spanish) between 2005 and 2008 show that the potential areas for exploration and exploitation of emeralds in the Western Emerald Belt (CEOC, in Spanish) are closely related to the Muzo (Hauterivian-Barremian age) and Rosa Blanca (Valanginian age) geological formations, and in the Eastern Emerald Belt (CEOR, in Spanish), are associated to the Santa Rosa and Chivor formations (Berriasian age). Mineralization is associated with various mesoscopic tectonic structures with hydrothermal alteration.


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