Potential and prospects for hydrogeological exploration according to lithostructural criteria in Antioquia department, Colombia
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In the department of Antioquia, in addition to the geological units with primary porosity, the tecto-structural characteristics of the hard rocks confer permeability properties to the metamorphic and igneous units that allow the flow and storage of groundwater. This work aims to synthesize useful information to identify potential areas to conduct new hydrogeological explorations in Antioquia.
The official geological map at 1:100 000 scale, adjusted to the geological map of Antioquia 1:400 000 scale, provided the basic input to separate the different types of rock and their structural affectations to identify permeability characteristics that were scored ranging from very low and very high. The concept of determining hydrogeological potential based on geological criteria is centered on the idea that the nature and distribution of aquifers and aquitards in a geological system are controlled by the lithology, stratigraphy, and structures of the deposits and geological formations.
The results of this study showed that the Medellin Dunite, slope deposits, Guineales Formation, Tertiary alluvial, Cerrito Formation, Sincelejo Group, Corpa Formation, terraces and recent alluviums, and Mesa Formation have very high aquifer potential (23.4% of the departmental area); 5% of the surface of the department has rocks with high aquifer potential; 35% has rocks with moderate aquifer potential; and the remaining 37% of the department has a lower aquifer potential.
Based on these findings, in terms of the groundwater potential in Antioquia, the area includes geological units with porosity and primary and secondary permeability. Thus, groundwater exploration in this department is urgently needed to provide hydrogeological knowledge to assist in the search for complementary sources of water supply for the population.
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