Geochemistry and speleogenesis of quartz arenite caves in the Serranía de Chiribiquete, sector of the Caquetá and Yarí rivers, Colombia




espeleogénesis, cuarzo, hidroquímica, arenización, espeleotemas, Formaciones de Hierro Bandeado (BIF)
Cueva de los Guácharos, Serranía de Chiribiquete, Caquetá, Colombia

How to Cite

Sauro, F., & Lasso, C. A. (2024). Geochemistry and speleogenesis of quartz arenite caves in the Serranía de Chiribiquete, sector of the Caquetá and Yarí rivers, Colombia . Boletín Geológico, 51(2).




The area objective of this research was the Resguardo Indígena Monochoa, south of the Chiribiquete National Park, a quartz arenite massif (Araracuara Formation) crossed by the Caquetá and Yarí rivers. The first expedition (February 2022) studied Cueva de Los Guácharos, a resurgence that opens at the bottom of the Araracuara canyon along the Caquetá river. In February 2023, a scientific expedition formed by Uitoto and Andoque indigenous people and Colombian and Italian speleologists, went up the Yarí river to the Gamitana rapids, reaching the Yarì tepuyes. Two large horizontal caves were explored and surveyed. The first was a large tunnel of about 600 m in total length, the second was reached at the base of a large chasm, giving access to an active horizontal tunnel, which was surveyed for about 400 m outwards from the resurgence at the base of the mountain, after a distance of almost 1 km. In addition to exploration, several scientific investigations are being carried out on hydrochemistry, biospeleology, geology of the area, petrography of the quartz arenites and on the extraordinary opal speleothems (similar to those already discovered in Venezuela). Preliminary data show that speleogenesis is produced by intergranular quartz dissolution, leading to ‘arenization’ and subsequent accelerated erosion of specific layers. The presence of a Banded Iron Formation layer favours the formation of caves in a specific stratigraphic interval.


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