The fish of the family Pachyrhizodontidae (Teleostei) from the Turonian of the Upper Magdalena Valley
Colombia, Goulmimichthys: G.gasparinii, Pachyrhizodus: P. etayoi, specimens, ossification, Notochordal orificeLicense
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Five specimens of Pachyrhizodontidae family of fishes, found in Turonian beds of the Upper Magdalena Valley in Colombia, are studied. Four of these specimens are referred to a new species of the Goulmimichthys genus: G. gasparinii, and the fifth of them is assigned to a new species of the Pachyrhizodus genus: P. etayoi. Some characteristics of these new species differ from the suborder Pachyrhizodontoidei diagnosis established by Forey (1977): in both Colombian species the five infraorbitals are independent; in the G. gasparinii species an ossification between dermethmoid and premaxilla is present; in P. etayoi the only exposed vertebral centrum is not pierced by notochordal canal.
The study of this Colombian material extends the paleogeographical distribution of the family in the Turonian time, which was hitherto restricted to the Europe and North Africa region. Furthermore, it confirms the presence of this family in Upper Cretaceous beds in South America.
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