Geodetic analysis and seismotectonic strain associated to the Quetame earthquake, Colombia


  • Héctor Mora Páez Servicio Geológico Colombiano
  • Sergio A. López
  • Natalia Acero P.
  • Jair Ramírez Cadena Servicio Geológico Colombiano
  • Elkin Salcedo Hurtado Universidad del Valle
  • Robert Trenkamp University of South Carolina



GPS, earthquake, geodynamics, strain, geodesy, seismotectonics

How to Cite

Mora Páez, H., López, S. A., Acero P., N., Ramírez Cadena, J., Salcedo Hurtado, E., & Trenkamp, R. (2015). Geodetic analysis and seismotectonic strain associated to the Quetame earthquake, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, (43), 7–22.







On May 24, 2008, at 14:20 hour’s local time, there was a seismic event that was felt in the central region of Colombia. The epicenter was located 8,6 km north from the urban area of the Quetame Municipality (Cundinamarca), with coordinates 4,399° N in latitude and 73,814° W in longitude, shallow depth and a Richter Scale local magnitude of 5,7, computed from the maximum amplitude of the record according to the RSNC report. The Seismology Group of Harvard University reported this earthquake with an Mw = 5, 9. The earthquake’s focal mechanism, calculated by the USGS, shows that the rupture plan has an orientation of N16°E – S16°W and belongs to a right lateral rip failure with a normal movement component, solid with the Naranjal fault as one of the main tectonic structures in the epicentral region.


The quantitative seism tectonics analysis indicates that the aftershocks could be presented inside an area of 199,5 km2, confined in a horizontal and vertical extension with respect to the focus about 21 and 14 km, respectively; so, according to the depth, it is established that the rupture volume could be about 4887 km3. This information suggests that seism tectonics strain rate in focal region is being submitted to a velocity of 4,5 *10-6cm/seg in the horizontal direction (lx) and about 3,0 *10-6cm/seg in the vertical direction (lz). The indicated deformation rate occurs under a physical resistance of the half a Q = 3.6, in the focal región


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