The Lower Cretaceous in the surroundings of Villa de Leiva (Boyacá)
Arcahuco-Massif, Early-Cretaceous, ammonites, Deshayesites, Cheloniceras, Lytoceras, reptil bones, plesiosaurusLicense
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The region between Tunja and Chiquinquirá in Boyacá is occupied almost exclusively by Cretaceous deposits, including the Guaduas Formation (Maastrichtian? -Paleocene). These layers form two main folds directed NNE-SSW. The most pronounced anticline is the eastern one of the Arcabuco mountain range. Its axis is located about 3 km east of the town of Arcabuco. It exposes the oldest layers in this region: quartzite sandstones, poorly stratified, without fossils, known as Arcabuco Formation or Arcabuco Sandstone and probably deposited during the Jurassic. The same sandstones appear about 8 km W of Arcabuco in the "Oiba anticline" (HUBACH, 1953), parallel to the first one. From there, the Cretaceous layers dip westward to the Rio Súarez syncline, exposing a complete and very regular series from the base of the Cretaceous to the Albian. The geologically best-exposed region is the one around Villa de Leiva.
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