Tectonic and sedimentary cycles in northern Colombia and their relationships with paleoecology
Colombian North Coast, stratigraphy, calcium cyclical variations, tectonic cyclesLicense
Copyright (c) 1971 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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In stratigraphic studies recently carried out in the sections of Arroyo Alférez (Cretaceous - Paleogene) and Carmen - Zambrano (Paleogene - Neogene), located in the North Coast of Colombia, it has been possible to recognize cyclic variations in the content of calcium carbonate. This has been interpreted, among other causes, as due to differential solution and decalcification of the fauna, a direct consequence of the increase in the depth of the basin.
Considering this phenomenon, two tectonic and sedimentary cycles separated by periods of intense tectonism and erosion are proposed, confirmed by abrupt palaeoecological changes in depositional environments. These cycles can be compared in a general sense with the geosynclinal Facies of Auboin (1965) and serve as practical stratigraphic units for regional correlations. Thus, the recognized cycles are proposed as time-rock units.
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