Seismic hazard assessment of the urban area of Ambato, Ecuador, in deterministic form
Deterministic seismic hazard, acceleration spectraDownloads
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Seismic microzonation of the urban area of Ambato, Ecuador, was done in 2018 in a probabilistic and a deterministic manner. This type of calculation is presented in the first part of the article. For this purpose, three geologic faults and three strong-motion equations were considered. For each geologic fault, recurrence periods are determined using two methods. It is seen that a magnitude 6.3 earthquake associated with the blind faults traversing Ambato may occur in 80 to 100 years, and one of magnitude 6.5 in the next 300 years. Geophysical and geotechnical studies of the urban area of the city of Ambato are presented. These permitted the acquisition of curves with the same period of soil vibration and equal speed of the shear wave in the first 30 m, plus the classification of soils of the city. Later, six models of strong soil movements were considered and horizontal acceleration spectra of the soil were obtained in a mesh of points separated every 500 m, for each soil profile. Average spectra were found for soil profiles C, D and E when making comparisons with the spectra found in the 2018 study. Based on the results of the present study and those from 2018, new spectral forms are proposed for the urban area of the city of Ambato (called spectral envelopes) and compared to spectra reported by seismic regulations in force in Ecuador (NEC-15).
Author Biographies
Roberto Aguiar Falconi, Department of Earth Sciences and Construction, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquí, and Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manabí, Ecuador
Doctor in Seismic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Master of Science from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and structural engineer at the National Polytechnic School. Ex-director of the National Secretariat of Science and Technology of Ecuador. Ex-director and founder of the Scientific Research Center of the University of the Armed Forces, ESPE. Author of 22 books on ResearchGate and more than 100 articles published internationally. Winner of a Certificate of Distinction from the Sasakawa Prize awarded by the United Nations in Geneva.
Paola Serrano Moreta , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquí, Ecuador
Postgraduate student at the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE. Civil engineer at the Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Has participated in the project of strengthening the IESS of Ambato, and is a private consultant of engineering projects.
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