Paleoclimatic sensors of the last millennium preserved in the sediments of the Pantano La Bramadora, Sopetrán, Colombia
Seasonally contrasting climates, alluvial plain, torrential regime, herbal swamp, arboreal swampLicense
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The stratigraphy of the “Pantano La Bramadora”, from base to roof (1015-2022, calendar years (AC)), comprises a set of paleosols interspersed with clays and peats. At the base, a set of terrestrial paleosols developed on a torrential alluvial plain; the deepest, evolved under conditions of extreme aridity (Xeric argigypsids). Above these, more favorable climatic conditions allowed the formation of terrestrial paleosols interspersed with palustrine clays (1050 to 1170 AC). The calendar year 1050 marks the permanent development of the swamp, which was formed from a torrential fan transverse to the main valley, which caused the damming of water, buried the lower terrestrial paleosols, and left a persistent sheet of water, as evidence of bands of gray-blue, gray-green and/or chocolate banded and/or laminated clay; these conditions persisted until 1795 AC. Immersed in this period, two “twin” paleosols, separated by a narrow layer of clay, indicate the disappearance of the water sheet due to a strong drought between 1324 and 1338 AC. During 1796 and 1882 AC, chocolate clays dominate, the water table is level, and the vegetation is herbaceous, while, between 1882 and 2022 AC, a tree swamp is imperative that enriches the sediments with fibers. The water table below the surface, persistent for much of the year, and evapotranspiration control the entire system. Litho-tephro-pedo-chemo-stratigraphy, and the LOI, paleo climatic sensors, define the presence of sediments, paleosols and environments. N14 is configured as an excellent paleoclimate record in the tropics for the last millennium.
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