El Guadalupe between Tabio and Chía
Ammonite, foraminifera, Maestrichtian, stratigraphic profile, fold, Sabana de BogotáLicense
Copyright (c) 1955 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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How to Cite
Under the direction of the undersigned, the staff of the Section of Paleontology and the National Geological Museum studied, during several excursions, the outcrops of the Tabio-Chía road in the Sabana de Bogotá, obtaining the following stratigraphic profile:
Upper Maastrichtian (=Lower Maastrichtian) in Restosde erosion +- 35 m
Lower Maaestrichtian with Nostoceras 225 m
Campanian (without characteristic fossils) 180 m
Coniaciano high with Gauthiericeras 35 m
In the Coniacian and the basal Maastrichtian, ammonites were discovered, which allow the exact age determination of the corresponding layers. However, the microfauna is poor and poorly differentiated; in the lower part of the studied section, there is no foraminifera and from the upper Campanian to the Upper Maastrichtian almost exclusively Siphogenorinoides ewaldi (Karsten) were found.
The occurrence of these foraminifera and ammonites in the lower part of the Guaduas again proves that this formation’s sedimentation started already during the Maastrichtian. The unconformity at the base of the Guaduas has, therefore, an infra-Maastrichtian age.
In the southern part of the studied region, the upper layers of the Lower Maastrichtian and basal Guaduas form an eastward-turned fold. The northern part, in contrast, represents the eastern and normal flank of an anticline, whose axis follows the Tabio valley. The boundary between these two tectonically distinct parts is formed by an NW-SE fault located immediately south of the Boquerón between Tabio and Chía.
In the Bogota region, corresponding to the Upper Cretaceous, fossils are scarce and poorly preserved, except for some species of Siphogenerinoides. For this reason, some specimens collected in this region, which seem to have great stratigraphic importance, are described, and figured in the paleontological part of this report.
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