Biostratigraphy of the savannah of Bogotá and its surroundings


  • Hans Bürgl Ministerio de Minas y Petróleos



Cundinamarca, Colombia, fossils, floors, subfloors, fossiliferous areas

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Bürgl, H. (1957). Biostratigraphy of the savannah of Bogotá and its surroundings. Boletín Geológico, 5(2), 113–185.







In addition to the preceding article by E. HUBACH, the fossiliferous zones of Cundinamarca, from the Devonian to the Pleistocene, are briefly treated. All the fossils of Cundinamarca described or preserved in the National Geological Museum, except pollen and spores, are cited in the form of lists, subdivided according to floors and subfloors. In addition, some of the important guide fossils are listed on 19 plates.


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