Current Status of Phosphate Exploration in Colombia
Mineral fertilizers, deposits, excess salt, potassium, potash, depositDownloads
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A brief reference to the unsuccessful search for potash in the salt deposits in Cundinamarca. These deposits are salt eczemas, i.e., an accumulation of this plastic material in weak or fractured zones. Several salt deposits in the Sabana de Bogotá are found on the slope of domes in the upper part. Salt has been found in situ in the Upper Cenomanian level of the Tabio anticline, about 8 km N of the town of the same name. On the edge of the Eastern Cordillera towards the Eastern Plains, there is a salt bank in Upín, north of Villavicencio, which is in the Valanginian and is a few meters thick. This bank does not show the participation of potassium. A drilling made in the main salt mine of the Sabana de Bogotá, that of Zipaquirá, at 160 m depth (without reaching the bottom) did not register samples of potassium salts. As there are no other salt deposits in Colombia, it must be concluded that the present ones owe their existence to the temporary dissection of zones of the Cretaceous Sea without precipitation of potassium lye.
Sarmiento Soto, R. y Parra Lleras H.-Reconocimiento de unos Yacimientos de Fosfatos en el Municipio de Soatá (Boyacá). 1943. Archivo Servicio Geológico Nacional, Bogotá.
Suárez Hoyos, V. Informe Preliminar sobre el Reconocimiento de la Isla de Malpelo. 1948. Archivo Servicio Geológico Nacional.
Sarmiento, A.-Comisión a la Isla de Malpelo (Fosfato). 1952. Archivo del Servicio Geológico Nacional.
McConell.-ver: The Biogeochemistry of Vertebrate Excretion. Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. Vol. 96, Pág. 475, 476. New York, 1950.