Geology of the Central Cordillera and western Colombia and petrochemistry of Mesocenezoic granitoid intrusions


  • Alberto Jairo Álvarez Ingeominas



Paleogeography, trace elements, major elements, minerals, marine deposits, Atrato depression

How to Cite

Álvarez, A. J. (1983). Geology of the Central Cordillera and western Colombia and petrochemistry of Mesocenezoic granitoid intrusions. Boletín Geológico, 26(2), 1–175.







This paper considers the geology of the following morpho structural units of Colombia: The Cordillera Central, the Cordillera Occidental, the Serranía de Baudó, and the Cauca - Patía and Atrato - San Juan - Tumaco Inter-Andean Depressions. The Romeral Tectonic Zone, located on the western flank of the Central Cordillera, separates a continental crust to the east from an oceanic crust to the west.

The Central Cordillera, which represents an approximate cortical thickness of 35 km, is composed of a core of Precambrian gneisses and amphibolites that are part of the Guayana Shield, and a pericratonic geosynclinal belt attached to it, composed of Paleozoic (?) metasediments with green shale and amphibolite facies. Sedimentary, sedimentary-volcanic sequences of neritic marine environments and associations of Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks are scattered mainly in the northern sector of the Central Cordillera. In this same sector, a small remnant of Jurassic neritic marine sediments is found. Likewise, shallow- water marine deposits intercalated with volcanic material and continental red layers of the Jura-Triassic age are present in the eastern foot of the mountain range.

In the Western Cordillera, Cretaceous tholeiites with affinities to those generated in immature volcanic arcs extend west of the Romeral fault zone, a suture paleo zone along which non-sequential ophiolites and rocks with glaucophanitic metamorphism were emplaced during the Cretaceous. Thus, the rocks of the Western Cordillera were probably deformed during the Early Cretaceous and metamorphosed and deformed again in the Late Cretaceous, when the Cordillera emerged definitively and was accreted to the sialic block.

The Serranía de Baudó is made up of Late Cretaceous and Eocene tholeiitic rocks. Its emersion possibly began in the middle Miocene together with the beginning of the inter-oceanic interruption, which was definitively cut in the Pliocene.

In the northern sector of the Cauca - Patía Depression, continental sediments of early Oligocene - early Miocene age outcrop. In the southern sector, on a "Flysch" of probable Maastrichtian-Eocene age, lie transitional marine sedimentary sequences of middle Eocene - middle Miocene age. Their deformation took place in the middle Miocene.

The abyssal to neritic marine sediments of the Atrato - San Juan - Tumaco Depression of Eocene to Pliocene age were affected by tectonic phases in the Eocene - Oligocene and middle Miocene.

The type 1 calc-alkaline granitoid intrusions of the Central Cordillera and western Colombia are mainly Meso-Cenozoic.

The Mesozoic and Eocene intrusives are tonalite-granodiorites, located in the Central Cordillera and intrude intensely deformed and regionally metamorphosed sequences. Plutons south of the lbagué Batholith are dominated by syenites, quartz monzonite, and granites and are probably pre-Jurassic. In general, the Mesozoic intrusives are larger and form wider and better- developed aureoles than the Cenozoic ones located west of the mountain range. The occurrence of Jura-Triassic volcanism east of the Central Cordillera hints at a possible genetic relationship with Jurassic plutonism. Such magmatic activity would have taken place along an intracontinental arc located on the eastern flank of the Central Cordillera. The Cretaceous bodies lack clear traces of associated volcanic activity.

The Cenozoic intrusives are located mainly to the west of the Romeral fracture zone, in the Western Cordillera and the Cauca-Patía Depression. Those located in the Western Cordillera are manzanitas, monzodiorites, and tonalites of Paleocene to Miocene age and intrude into Cretaceous volcanism and sediments. On the other hand, the subvolcanic intrusives, mainly andesitic in composition, are Miocene or newer, intrude Tertiary sediments and would be responsible for the ejection of the volcaniclastic deposits observed in this depression.

During the Meso-Cenozoic, the intrusive activity migrated from the Central Cordillera to the Pacific and in the Cenozoic from the Pacific to the Central Cordillera.

The lbagué Batholith (B1, Jurassic), the granitoid plutons south of it (PS, pre-Jurassic), the Antioquian Batholith (BA, Cretaceous), and several Cenozoic subvolcanic plutons and intrusives of the Western Cordillera and the Cauca-Patia Depression were studied petrochemically, respectively.

In the variation diagrams, the depletion sequence in ferromagnesian elements is consistent with the fractionation of pyroxenes, olivine, and garnet. The variation in K, Rb, Sr, Ba would be controlled mainly by fractionation of hornblende and plagioclase. In the Mesozoic granitoids of the Central Cordillera, removing the last two minerals seems to have been important; in contrast, in the Cenozoic intrusives plagioclase was perhaps an unstable phase.

According to the variation diagrams, the PS has no genetic relationship with the BI, and this body is less fractionated than the BA. The BI and Ba have higher average compositions in ferromagnesian elements than similar rocks of the Sierra Nevada Batholith (USA) and world averages. The transverse petrologic variation in the BA indicates an asymmetric zonation being more basic towards the east and does not show the chemical variations observed in volcanic rocks of island arcs and continental margins. The subvolcanic intrusives of the Cauca-Patía Depression have lower percentages of ferromagnesians than the volcanites of similar SiO2 content belonging to the Cascades and Central Andes.

The Cenozoic intrusives of the Western Cordillera and the Cauca-Patía Depression have lower K/Sr, Rb/Sr, Ba/Sr, and higher K/Rb values than the Mesozoic (B1, BA) intrusives of the Central Cordillera. Likewise, the former has very low Rb/Sr ratios and affinities with the oceanic trend.

In the BI and BA, the values of the above ratios are more differentiated. In the BI, the values are close to the oceanic trend or are located between it and that of the BA. On the other hand, fields of high K/Sr, Rb/Sr, Ba/Sr, and low K/Rb ratios are defined in this body.

Petrogenetically, it is unlikely that partial melting processes originate primary magmas in the lower continental crust. Likewise, the K, Rb, Sr, and Ba contents in the Meso-Cenozoic granitoid plutons and felsic subvolcanic felsic intrusives of the Central Cordillera and western Colombia are theoretically incompatible with a direct origin by partial melting of subducted basalts from the Nazca plate, in amphibolic, eclogitic or granulite facies, and with theoretical liquids produced by fractional melting of peridotite from the intercortical mantle. To obtain the studied granitoid plutons as a final product, the primary magmas had important changes before their emplacement at high cortical levels.


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