Yuruma Formation (Barremian - lower Aptian?) In the Yuruma hill and Punta Espada, Alta Guajira, Uribia, Colombia





Yuruma Formation, lower cretaceous, type locality, La Guajira, Colombia


How to Cite

Patarroyo, P. (2021). Yuruma Formation (Barremian - lower Aptian?) In the Yuruma hill and Punta Espada, Alta Guajira, Uribia, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 48(2), 107–129. https://doi.org/10.32685/0120-1425/bol.geol.48.2.2021.584







The Yuruma Formation in the Yuruma hill area its type locality can be differentiated into two stratigraphic intervals. The lower and upper intervals of the Yuruma Formation can also be subdivided into two segments.  The lithological, sedimentological and fossiliferous characteristics support this differentiation, which allows to  interpret the accumulation energy influences over the sea floor. The lower interval is characterized by  intercalations of very fossiliferous marlstones and biomicrites with benthonic and nektonic fossils from the  lower Barremian. The upper interval is represented by marlstones and biomicrites with poor benthonic and  nektonic fossils from the upper Barremian and probably from the lower Aptian. In the Punta Espada area,  whit scarce lithological controls over the lower and upper parts of the Yuruma Formation, were found  biomicrites with benthonic and nektonic fossils of the lower Barremian to the lower part, and to the top were  recognized biomicrites that underlie beds with lower Aptian ammonites.

Author Biography

Pedro Patarroyo, Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Geologist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and doctor in Natural Sciences from the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany.


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