Geology of the I-13 Quadrangle, Málaga


  • Rodrigo Vargas H. Ingeominas
  • Alfonso Arias T. Ingeominas
  • Luis Jaramillo C. Ingeominas
  • Noel Téllez l. Ingeominas



departments of Santander and Boyacá, Bucaramanga Neis Formation

How to Cite

Vargas H., R., Arias T., A., Jaramillo C., L., & Téllez l., N. (1981). Geology of the I-13 Quadrangle, Málaga. Boletín Geológico, 24(3), 2–84.







The I-13 Quadrangle, Malaga, comprises an area of 4800 km2 in the Eastern Cordillera, where it abandons an NNE direction to take an NNW one and covers part of the departments of Santander and Boyacá.

Pre-Devonian metamorphic rocks are represented by gneisses and schists of the Bucaramanga Neis Formation and schists, phyllites, and meta-sandstones of the Silgará Formation. Younger metamorphic rocks, possibly Lower Devonian, include phyllites and metasandstone rocks of the Floresta Clayey Metamorphosed Member.

Igneous rocks of the Jura-Triassic age are part of the Mogotes Batholith and other small bodies that, together with metamorphic rocks, are restricted to the western part of the area, forming part of the Santander Massif. Quartz monzonite, granites, granodiorites, diorites, rhyolites, and basic dikes are the main types of igneous rocks present in the area.

Sedimentary rocks, exposed mainly in the eastern part of the quadrangle, range in age from Devonian to Recent. The Paleozoic is represented by the Devonian Floresta, Carboniferous Cuche, and Permo-Carboniferous Nevado River formations. The Jura-Triassic system is restricted to the outcrops of the Montebel and Girón formations. The Cretaceous mostly corresponds to sediments of the Maracaibo Basin, in what may be its southernmost extension and in small proportion to those of the Middle Valley Basin and upper part of the Sabana Basin. Finally, with certain lithological homogeneity, the Tertiary is represented by sediments of the Maracaibo Basin in the north and the Paz de Rio area in the south.

The tectonics of the eastern part is of faulting and folding those contrasts with that of the western side of the massif, where fracturing of the plinth is predominant.

The observed mineral occurrences correspond to small manifestations of lead sulfides, zinc, and in a smaller proportion of copper, oolitic iron, and coals, limestones, and phosphates.


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