Characterization of Colombian coals, Checua-Lenguazaque zone
Colombia, mining, Guadalupe group, Sinclinal de Checua-Lenguanzaque, exploitation, production, volatile matterLicense
Copyright (c) 1987 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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Eighty-three coal samples were taken from stratigraphic levels TKg2 and TKg3, through blocks V, I, II and III of the western flank of the Checua-Lenguazaque Syncline, sampled with few exceptions, at active work faces of 32 mines located in the municipalities of Cucunubá, Lenguazaque, and Guachetá (Cundinamarca).
The samples were prepared following a scheme designed to obtain representative portions at the different granulometry required in the analysis.
The study carried out includes the direct determination of 36 parameters and indirect (by calculation) of 12, corresponding to proximate analysis, elemental analysis, miscellaneous analysis, swelling index, and dilatometry. It also includes analyzing the ten major elements in the ashes and the fusibility temperatures in an oxidizing and reducing atmosphere.
For coals with an ash content higher than 11 %, washability tests were carried out. The analysis of sulfur forms in the results generally indicates that the area’s coals have good washability characteristics, and that organic sulfur predominates over the inorganic forms.
The results obtained are calculated in the different bases, and for each variable, a statistical study is carried out, to establish the variations according to the stratigraphic level, the block, and in the area in general; the most used statistical parameters are calculated for each case as measures of centralization and dispersion. The report also carries out a correlative study to determine if each of the parameters is related to another, performing linear regression using least squares in cases of highly significant correlations to find the relationship equation.
The report found that the following variables increase from south to north of the syncline: fixed carbon, elemental carbon, swelling, and milling index, temperatures of softening, maximum contraction, and maximum expansion, and to a lesser degree the calorific value; while residual moisture, equilibrium moisture, and more notably hydrogen, oxygen, and volatile matter decrease. From the results, the report concludes that the rank of the coals increases in the following order: Block III, II, I, and V. Other parameters assume values independent of the location of the sample in the blocks, such as ash, apparent and true specific gravity, nitrogen, sulfur, and dilatation percentage. In the same way, the various tendencies of the different parameters in the stratigraphic levels indicate that the coals from the TKg2 level have a higher degree of carbonization than those from the TKg3 level.
From the pairwise correlation of variables, it is concluded that volatile matter content correlates very well with relative depth and other parameters, particularly rank indicators such as carbon, hydrogen, and calorific value. Furthermore, the linear correlation coefficients show that calorific value, carbon, and ash are quite interdependent with each other.
The study corroborates that the total expansion is maximum for a volatile content of 25 to 30% and that the temperatures of softening (T1), of maximum contraction (T2), and maximum expansion (T3) increase as the percentage of volatiles decreases; while T1 and T2 obey better to a logarithmic relation, T3 decreases almost linearly with the increase of range.
By determining the relationships between physical and chemical properties of coal, this report establishes that the grinding index increases linearly as the rank increases, within the series of coals studied, and decreases with increasing ash and sulfur, as well as that the true specific gravity, as opposed to the apparent, is closely related to the ash content.
The report also found that residual moisture correlates only with equilibrium moisture and swelling index and that nitrogen content is independent of the other variables.
In the study of coal ashes, the analysis of 10 major elements and the correlations between them indicates heterogeneity of mineral contribution, according to the location of the sample in the deposit; from the content of these elements, eight parameters are calculated, among them, content of bases, acids, silica ratio, and others. Some of these parameters correlate significantly with the fusibility properties, thus taking a first step in studying their prediction.
High melting temperatures are found for the ashes, and low deposition and crusting factors, indicating that the coals studied will not present problems of deposit accumulation in combustion processes and that they can be used in systems with ash removal. In addition, the phosphorus and sulfur contents indicate that the coke obtained with coals from this area will meet the requirements for blast furnace and foundry in this respect.
The characterization carried out establishes that although the coals of the Checua-Lenguazaque zone have good thermal properties, they should be used in cooking, either alone or in mixtures if they are coals with excessive dilatation.
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