Geochemistry and dating of San Vicente type episodes in the Puracé volcano


  • María Luisa Monsalve B. Ingeominas



Colombia, pyroclastic flows, pre-Puracé, magma mixture, ash deposits, major elements

How to Cite

Monsalve B., M. L. (1993). Geochemistry and dating of San Vicente type episodes in the Puracé volcano. Boletín Geológico, 33(1-3), 3–16.







At least four episodes of San Vicente-type pyroclastic flows have been recognized as associated with the activity of the Puracé volcano. W ith an age of 30 000 years, the first of them has been correlated with the destruction of a volcanic apparatus called pre-Puracé; the last three have occurred in a period between 2000 years B.P. and the last century.

The geochemical variations in the juvenile fragments of these deposits indicate two main processes in the magmatic chamber: magma mixing, which has possibly been the mechanism that has originated these eruptions, and the main process of magmatic differentiation, evidenced by the more acidic evolutionary tendency of these products with time.


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