Geotechnics and evolution of the northwestern region of Colombia
Colombia, Northwest Coast, geotectonic elements, geomorphological guidelines, tectonic evolutionLicense
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Within the northwestern Colombian coast, two main geotectonic elements can be recognized: a) a stable region or platform that overlies a continental crust (not folded), and b) an unstable region or geosyncline that overlies an oceanic crust (folded).
The platform has been subdivided into four very prominent structural zones: Cicuco and El Difícil highs, the Plato geofracture and the Sucre tectonic depression, which in turn are tectonically controlled by seven major basement lineaments with directions N, N20°E, N40°E, N55°W, and N20°W.
The geosynclinal region comprises the western coastal portion adjacent to the platform and has been divided into two structural elements: the fragmented San Jacinto belt of middle Eocene age, with an N20°E direction and possibly extending far north into the Caribbean Sea, and the Sinú belt of Plio-Pleistocene age, parallel to the San Jacinto belt as far as the Cartagena - Barranquilla area where it takes a more NE direction, always parallel to the coastline.
Three geomorphological lineaments limit these structural forms: Romeral, Sinú, and Colombia, which I consider critical to understand the tectonic and sedimentary evolution of this region of the Colombian Caribbean. These three geomorphological elements, I also consider them as remnants of ancient furrows or paleo surges that were successively migrating westward and whose turbiditic sedimentary fill was progressively uplifted and deformed during the pre-Andean and Andean orogeny. Likewise, the abrupt lithofacies changes associated with the paleo surface margins show a progressive westward migration from the platform lithofacies as continental accretion increases.
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