Geology of the Departments of Antioquia and Caldas (Sub-Zone II-B)
Colombia, geological cartography, mineral resources, lithostratigraphic description, structural features, depositsLicense
Copyright (c) 1972 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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The National Mining Inventory (IMN) was a geological mapping and mineral resources research project carried out between 1964 and 1969 by the Republic of Colombia with International Agency for Development (AID ) collaboration.
Sub-zone II-B is the eastern half of Zone II with an area of approximately 20 000 km2 mainly in the department of Antioquia, although it includes small parts of the departments of Caldas and Tolima.
The rocks in II-B range in age from Precambrian to Holocene. Precambrian quartz-feldspathic gneisses form a mosaic composed of faulted blocks intruded by igneous rocks between the Otú Fault and the Magdalena River. Paleozoic rocks have a large extension and include slightly metamorphosed shales with Ordovician graptolites near Cristalina and as major units, quartz-mica-graphite schists; feldspathic and aluminous gneisses, quartzites, marbles, amphibolites, and other rocks. Syntectonic gneisses intruded many of the older rocks during the Upper Paleozoic(?) orogeny during which Abukuma-type metamorphism developed whose intensity varied from green schist facies to high amphibolite facies. A fault-bounded Jurassic diorite pluton cuts volcanic rocks of undetermined age east of the Otú Fault. Cretaceous rocks are major units. Middle Cretaceous carbonaceous shales, sandstones, gravelly conglomerates, and volcanic rocks are locally prominent. The Antioquian batholith (quartz diorite) of the Upper Cretaceous age cuts the Middle Cretaceous and older rocks. A belt of elastic non-marine Tertiary non-marine sediments outcrops along the Magdalena Valley. Patches of Tertiary alluvium are occasionally found in the mountains; Quaternary alluvium, much of it auriferous, is found in present-day stream valleys.
II-B is structurally part of a vast, and complex synclinorium intruded concordantly by mesozonal or catazonal syntectonic felsic plutons and later by epizonal and post-tectonic Antioquian batholith. Large, previously unknown strike-slip faults are the most prominent structural feature in II-B. Some of them can be followed for several hundred kilometers and probably have displacements measurable in kilometers. However, only the Palestina Fault was studied in detail and has a right-lateral displacement of 27.7 km.
A correlation is made of the rocks mapped in II-B with those mapped in adjacent areas, including those in II-A.
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