Relationships between biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy in the so-called Bolivar Geosyncline


  • Hermann Duque Caro Ingeominas



Colombia, biostratígraphy, Cretacious, foraminifera, tectonica, Cansona Formation

How to Cite

Duque Caro, H. (1971). Relationships between biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy in the so-called Bolivar Geosyncline. Boletín Geológico, 19(3), 26–68.







In this work, we compare the biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy in the so-called "Bolívar Geosyncline," from the Upper Cretaceous to the Upper Miocene and Pliocene-Pleistocene, based mainly on planktonic foraminifera and other aspects such as sedimentary and tectonic events.

Some observations on tectonic and faunal phenomena recognized in the Upper Cretaceous and Upper Miocene are also illustrated, probably related to geotectonic phenomena.

In the same way, the two hiatuses: post-Upper Cretaceous-pre-Eocene and post-Middle Miocene-Upper Miocene, previously recognized in Northern Colombia, have been recognized and extended to Ecuador and Peru and other mapped and known areas of this western strip.

The time-rock units: Cansona, Carmen, and Tubará (cf. Duque, 1972, in press), are also proposed here as Pisos.


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