Geology of the Pacorá Ophiliolitic Complex and related sequences of Arco de Islas (Quebrada Grande Complex), Colombia


  • Jairo Álvarez Agudelo Ingeominas



Colombia, Central Cordillera, volcanic zone, Volcanic Arc, Quebradagrande Complex, oceanic crust-mantle

How to Cite

Álvarez Agudelo, J. (1995). Geology of the Pacorá Ophiliolitic Complex and related sequences of Arco de Islas (Quebrada Grande Complex), Colombia. Boletín Geológico, 35(1), 5–49.







The Pácora Ophiolithic Complex, located in the central sector of the western flank of the Cordillera Central, is constituted in the volcanic zone by non-vesicular variolitic pillow lavas, pillow breccias, and breccias. The plutonic zone contains a complex sequence of isotropic gabbros and cumulus, wehrlite-cumulus, and serpentinites. The protoliths of the latter rocks appear to be harzburgites or plagioclase-bearing lherzolites, whose characteristics suggest an origin in the transition zone near the petrologic mold, in the upper zone of the tectonic harzburgite. Thin plagiogranite dikes intrude the gabbro.

The various ophiolitic units were tectonically fractionated, deformed, and metamorphosed and underwent structural mixing with volcanic arc sequences (Quebradagrande Complex).

The mineralogical-geochemical evidence suggests that the ophiolite is a remnant of oceanic-mantle crust generated in an oceanic spreading center. Furthermore, the geochemical characteristics of the volcanoes s and the petrographic and faunal particularities of the epiclastic and volcanoclastic sediments of the Quebrada Grande Complex suggest an origin in an immature oceanic volcanic arc separated from the sialic continent by a narrow semi-oceanic basin.

The ophiolite members underwent ocean-bottom hydrothermal metamorphism in green shale and perhaps amphibolite (?) facies prior to uplift and emplacement and during these underwent metamorphism in prehnite-pumpellyite facies along with the volcanic arc sequences.

The volcanic arc, built on oceanic crust, was sutured to the continental margin and obducted into post-Albian types. This phenomenon caused the definitive welding of the ophiolite and the tectonic mixing with the arc rocks. However, the emplacement of some plutonic sectors of the ophiolite at exposure levels is pre-Albian.

Small Neogene andesitic-dacitic bodies were intruded in fault zones simultaneously with the volcanic activity in the post-collisional Cauca-Patia basin.

Rumbo faults have deformed the lithological units from the middle Tertiary onwards by reorientation of plate boundaries.


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