Mining and geological studies of the Guavio region and the Farallones de Medina
Exploitation, metals, minerals, mining perspective, economic value, depositsDownloads
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This report summarizes the studies carried out in the municipalities of Gachetá, Junín, Ubalá, and Gachalá, in the region of Guavio, Farallones de Medina, Alto de Bojará, and Alto del Quemado. Preponderance has been given to the investigation of the deposits of useful minerals and their economic value, and data are provided on the geology of the explored terrain. To complete the information, some data is added on the known and partly exploited mineral deposits located on the road from Bogotá to Gachetá and its surroundings and deposits located in the low eastern foothills of the Eastern Cordillera in the area between Mambita and Medina.
The metals, minerals, soils, and stones treated are zinc, lead, copper, gypsum, sulfur, limestone, calcite, travertine, iron, coal, salt, barite, gold, emeralds, guano, rock crystal, kaolin, diatomaceous earth, sandstones and sands, and thermal waters.
In general terms, the deposits studied in the Guavio and Farallones region are not of very large proportions, but there are favorable prospects for their exploitation on a smaller scale. Exploitation work has already begun for zinc, copper, lead, gypsum, and sulfur ores, and it is to be expected that interest and mining activity will intensify in this rich region, which is gaining importance due to the facilities provided by the road that is practically completed to Gachalá and projected to Medina.
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