Lithology and geochemistry of the Guadalupe Group base around Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia




Guadalupe Group, lithology, porcellanites, cherts, Tunja


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Martínez Aparicio, G., Patarroyo, P., & Terraza Melo, R. (2020). Lithology and geochemistry of the Guadalupe Group base around Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia. Boletín Geológico, (47), 35–65.







The base of the Guadalupe Group, in the Tunja area of Colombia, contains cherts, porcellanites, mudstones, and siltstones with subordinate quartz arenites. The lithostratigraphic description of two stratigraphic sections showed that the dominant facies have fine granular textures and siliceous compositions, which considerably differ from those of the prevailing sandy terrigenous facies described in the type locality in the Eastern Hills of Bogotá, in the Arenisca Dura Formation, the basal unit of the  Guadalupe Group in this sector.

The units that form the Guadalupe Group (base of the Guadalupe Group, Plaeners, and Arenisca Tierna) markedly differ from each other morphologically, which facilitates their mapping because the base and top units generate a steep morphology, and the intermediate units form surface depressions or valleys, similar to the morphology of the Guadalupe Group in its type locality in the Eastern Hills of Bogotá. The base of the Guadalupe Group consists of cherts and porcellanites toward the NW of the study area (Alto del Gavilán section), with mudstones, siltstones, quartz arenites, and to a lesser extent porcellanites and cherts prevailing toward the SE (Vereda Salitre section).

Geochemical analysis of total rock samples by XRD and XRF confirmed the primarily siliceous nature of the base of the Guadalupe Group, with SiO2 ranging from 62 to 98%, CaO less than 3.0%, and P2O5 peaking at 15.0%. Etayo-Serna (2015) conducted paleontological determinations of ammonites found in the stratigraphic section of Alto del Gavilán and assigned the base of the Guadalupe Group mainly to the Lower Campanian.


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