Geochemistry of mineral and thermal springs of the Volcanic Complex Cerro Bravo - Cerro Machín, Colombia
geothermics, geochemistry, hot springs, Nevado del Ruiz, Cerro Bravo, Cerro Machín, ColombiaDownloads
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The Cerro Bravo - Cerro Machín Volcanic Complex, located amongst Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío and Tolima departments, has an average extension of 2000 km2. From North to South, it consists of Cerro Bravo Volcano, the volcanoes from Los Nevados National Natural Park and Cerro Machín Volcano.
A great number of springs are located in this area. They were identified and chemically characterized in the frame of the frame of the geothermal research of the Ruiz Volcanic Complex (CHEC et al., 1983). From this research and compiling additional information generated by INGEOMINAS, through the geochemical surveillance of the volcanic activity and from an inventory of springs in Santa Rosa de Cabal municipality, a reinterpretation of the geochemistry of springs was carried out in arder to estimate the temperatures of the geothermal reservoirs from the area and to identify boiling, mixing and dilution processes of the geothermal fluids. Additionally, based on the chemical composition and the temperature, recommendations far potential uses of the mineral and thermal springs were proposed.
One hundred (100) registered springs were grouped, according to their spatial distribution and possible association to the volcanoes of the are, in nine (9) groups: 1) Cerro Bravo volcano, 2) Nevado del Ruiz, Eastern sector, 3) El Bosque Batholit, 4) Nevado del Ruiz, Western sector, 5) Santo Domingo, 6) Santa Rosa de Cabal, 7) El Bosque (Santa Isabel - Cerro España), 8) Nevado del Tolima and 9) Cerro Machín volcano.
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