Mineral resources of Antioquia
Colombia, mining, regional geology, non-metallic mineral , prospect, exploitation systems, resourcesLicense
Copyright (c) 1983 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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Despite its mining character, information on mining activity in the department of Antioquia has been fragmented and sporadic throughout its history. If we exclude the pre-Columbian period, the first historical references are found in the Spanish chronicles of the Conquest and the Colony, where some alluvial and phyllonian auriferous exploitations are mentioned, without specifying further geological-mining characteristics. During the last century, the best bibliographical reference is Vicente Restrepo's book "Estudio sobre las minas de oro y plata de Colombia" (Study of Colombia’s gold and silver mines).
In the present century, the works are more numerous. In 1942 the Mining Map of Antioquia appeared, based on the mining census carried out between 1936 and 1941. This work of great length and detail was widely disseminated, and its appearance coincided with the beginning of a period of recession in gold mining throughout the country. In 1970 the work of Robert Hall et al. was published, the product of the so-called National Mining Inventory, which covered a large part of the departmental territory. Another source of mining information has been the Regional Geology publications of Ingeominas and the special publication of the same Institute, made in 1978, called "Recursos Minerales de Colombia" (Mineral Resources of Colombia).
The map of Antioquia presented here is intended to be primarily descriptive and is the first work of its kind to cover the entire territory of Antioquia. It contains mineral occurrences, prospects, and deposits of various kinds and different economic conditions and serves as a basis for undertaking studies on specific areas in the department. It is also important to consider the global vision it presents as a basis for planning, control, and development of the mining industry.
The topographic and geological base was taken from the Geological Map of Antioquia (Ingeominas, 1979), with some simplifications in the lithological units and showing only the most important fractures.
For this work, the department was divided into three easily identifiable zones, both geologically and geographically. The Western, to the W of the Cauca River; the Central, which includes the Antioquian and Sonsón batholites and the area adjacent to the Cauca River, and the Eastern, which occupies the rest of the department.
The department of Antioquia is covered by a wide range of rocks, falling within the general groups of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Such rocks range in age from Precambrian to Holocene. Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks cover large areas of the Central Cordillera. Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks are predominant in the Western Cordillera and isolated patches in the Central Cordillera.
The Tertiary is represented by sedimentary rocks that outcrop northwest of the Nechí and Cauca rivers, in the department’s center in narrow basins parallel to the Cauca River, in the Gulf of Urabá and the east of the department bordering the Magdalena River valley. Intrusive igneous rocks, with varied dimensions, shapes, ages, and compositions, affect the rocks. The Antioquian Batolith represents Cretaceous plutonism in the Central zone. The Tertiary Plutonism mainly affects the Western Cordillera where the Mandé Batolith stands out, located in the western end of the mountain range, of great economic importance due to the associated mineral deposits.
The main morpho structural features in the department of Antioquia are the Magdalena River valley, considered as a tectonic trench; the Central Cordillera, formed mostly by metamorphic rocks intruded by plutons of varied size, shape, age, and composition; the Cauca River trench with its complex system of faults; and the Western Cordillera and the Atrato depression or trench.
Most of the western zone is in the mountain range of the same name, with a quite strong relief, standing out in the topography the Farallones del Citará (3900 m) and the Páramo de Frontino (4080 m). The lowest points are at sea level in the Gulf of Urabá. Winter is marked by a long rainy season. A high percentage of the population is in the central and southeastern part of the area in Frontino, Dabeiba, Cañasgordas, Santa Fe de Antioquia, and Andes.
The area is subdivided into mining districts based on their genetic, mineralogical, and lithological characteristics.
The central zone occupies the department’s center and the south-central part, comprising the Antioquian and Sansón batholiths and the strip between these bodies and the Cauca River. It is the most populated zone of the three considered in this study, with Medellín as the main population center. Three mining districts are recognized in this zone: Batolito District, which covers the entire Antioquian Batolito; Sanson District, composed by the batholith of the same name and surrounding Paleozoic terrains and Cauca District, which is common for the central and western zone.
The eastern zone is bounded by the northern and eastern contacts of the Antioquian Batholith and the northern and eastern extremes of the department of Antioquia. The zone encompasses the main gold-bearing districts of the department and the country, along with some marble and limestone workings in Segovia, Anorí, and Amalfi. Coal is found to the north of the Pato area and Man River. In addition, talc and asbestos mining is carried out to the east and northeast of Yarumal. According to their geographic location and type of existing mineral deposits, five mining districts can be distinguished in this area.
The elaboration of a mining census and the corresponding map is too costly to be done frequently. Therefore, it is logical to think about creating an informative network that constantly provides data on new discoveries and/or changes in mining activity, thus being able to update the mining map. In addition, with adequate geological-mining information, the exploration capacity and its possibilities of success are increased.
The main mining activity is gold and silver mining, both in terms of production value, labor, and social impact. In the eastern zone, the districts of Bajo Cauca - Nechí and Zaragoza - Segovia-Remedios stand out because they are the main mining areas, both philonian and alluvial. In the central zone, the lands that make up the Antioquian Batholith are of great interest for phyllonian mining; to the south, in the region of Sansón - Nariño, there was mining that would be well worth recovering. In the western zone, the areas of interest are found within the central district with mineralization in seams encased in the Morro Pelado, La Horqueta, and Morrogacho intrusives.
Of interest for copper, lead and zinc is the Morro de Urrao or Páramo de Frontino in the District of Mandé. Even in the richest auriferous areas, there is a lack of complete studies to determine the true mining potential. Therefore, to have a solid basis in the programming of exploitation and development, it is highly recommended to carry out studies in Segovia, Remedios, Zaragoza, El Bagre, and Caucasia.
Based on the field work carried out, it could be verified that mining, especially in the philonian mining, continues in a high degree of technical poverty, which is reflected in the low recovery and low extractive capacity; these aspects demand better attention from the interested governmental entities to improve recovery, reduce exploration risks, increase mineral reserves, and plan the exploitation of a non-renewable resource.
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