Mineral resources of the departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, and Meta
Colombia, deposits, metallic mineral resources, non-metallic mineral resources, salt cateros, evaporitesLicense
Copyright (c) 1971 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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At least four levels of evaporites are interstratified with the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the "Bogotá area" of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. The easternmost and at the same time the oldest interval is probably of Berriasian-Valanginian age. The next interval is possibly late Barremian to early Aptian and is followed by a possibly late Aptian depositional interval. The westernmost and best- known level formed during the Turonian and early Coniacian in the Sabana de Bogotá. The latter contains the thickest known salt deposits and is probably the most geographically extensive.
In the eastern part of the studied area are three gypsum deposits, probably of the Berriasian-Valanginian age. These deposits may have been leached from pre-existing salt accumulations. No other evaporites are exposed, but numerous salt springs are known.
The high salt concentrations of these springs, the substantial amount of H2S commonly emitted from them, and the presence of rute (leached salt residues) suggest that their origins are neither deep nor distant.
The rock salt exposed in the three accessible mines (Zipaquirá, Nemocón, and Upín) has a characteristic lamination in common due to alternation of relatively pure halite layers with clayey halite. Small fragments of black, marly clay, commonly pyritic, are scattered in all salt deposits. This lithology is also present in thick layers of interstratified clay interbedded concordantly with the salt strata. Anhydrite is rare and seems more common in the Zipaquirá mine than in the Nemocón and Upín mines.
Paleontological evidence shows that the salt claylite series, the hematite-impregnated strata, and the carbonaceous claylite layers present in the Bogotá Savanna are contemporaneous. The salt-claylolite facies may have been deposited in pandas evaporite basins separated during the whole evaporite interval by barriers in which the hematitic strata were deposited. The carbonaceous facies may also have formed in the barriers or at the edges of the evaporite basins. It is not known whether the same facies relationship prevailed in the older evaporite intervals. Little evidence suggests that this was the case.
Non-metallic mineral resources other than evaporites include phosphate rock, limestone, kaolinite, and emeralds. Metallic mineral deposits present in the area include hematite in Pericos, La Caldera, Tibirita, Ubalá and Cerro de Montecristo; chalcopyrite in Cerro del Cobre and Farallones de Medina; galena in several localities along the Farallones and Gachetá rivers and blende in the municipality of Junín.
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