Globorotalia fohsi in the formation of Usme
Foraminifera, Bogotá formation, fossils, Oligocene, synclinal, Tunjuelo , ValleyLicense
Copyright (c) 1955 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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A sample from 180 m depth from borehole No. 2 in the grounds of the "Andina" brewery in Bogotá contained a foraminiferal which we consider to be a new variety of Globorotalia Fohsi and which we describe under the name Globorotalia fohsi andina n. ssp. This form is closely related to GJ. foshi foshi and Gl. Praemenardii, which characterize the upper Middle Oligocene and lower Upper Oligocene.
According to E. Hubach, the fossiliferous sample belongs to the upper part of the Usme formation, which is not preserved in the Typical zone, i.e., in the Tunjuelo Valley south of Bogotá.
Therefore, it is assumed that the upper portion of the Usme Formation belongs to the upper part of the Middle Oligocene or the lower part of the Upper Oligocene.
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