Mineral resources of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta
Colombia, Magdalena Department, metallic mineral resources, non-metallic mineral resourcesLicense
Copyright (c) 1970 Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, on the north coast of Colombia, is an isolated, triangular, mountainous area reaching heights of almost 5800 meters. The overly complex geology is shown on the 1:200 000 scale geological map.
Despite five major periods of granitic intrusion, three periods of metamorphism, and several extensive volcanic eruptions, metallic deposits are small and widely dispersed. Economically exploitable sulfide deposits appear to be absent. Many small deposits of copper, with chalcocite, cuprite, malachite, and azurite, are found in the epidotized rocks of the Mesozoic red strata and the intercalated volcanic rocks, but their economic potential is very small. Those of other common base metals seem to be absent. The most important metallics may be the ilmenite-apatite deposits, associated with the gneiss anorthosite. The known magnetite deposits are too small to be commercially exploited. No primary gold deposits were recognized, and alluvial deposits are very small and uneconomic.
The largest and most important deposits are non-metallic. Huge limestone reserves are suitable for cement manufacture, and some of the high purity limestones are suitable for the most demanding chemical uses. Small deposits of talc-tremolite can be mined locally for use in ceramics. The important bituminous coal deposits in the Cerrejón area are excluded from this study. Other non-metallic resources include igneous rocks of various colors and textures usable as ornamental stone and dolomite for agricultural uses. Finally, there are probably significant undeveloped groundwater resources on the broad Rancheria and Cesar valleys flanks that separate the Sierra Nevada from the Serranía de Perijá.
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