Geology of the lead-zinc-silver deposit, Las Nieblas, municipality of Salento, Quindío
Colombia, metamorphism, metamorphic rocks, structural features, reservoirs, miningLicense
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The Lead-Zinc-Silver deposit, named Las Nieblas, occurs as veins in metamorphic rocks of medium to low degree of metamorphism, which have been tentatively assigned a Cambro-Ordovician age.
The metamorphic rocks consist of quartzites, quartz-sericite schists, biotitic quartzites, chlorite-actinolite schists, and to a lesser extent, calcium silicate rocks associated with small calcareous lenses. The veins are disposed obliquely or parallel to the foliation of these rocks, and the lithology does not exert any control on the mineralization. Instead, structural factors are the most important control, and minor faults with left-lateral displacements are foremost among them.
The most important sulfides in almost all veins are argentiferous galena, sphalerite, argentite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. Supergene phenomena are not important in the area and, in most cases, are related to copper ores. The mixture of hypothermal and epithermal deposit characteristics and the absence of the diagenetic minerals of either type of deposit strongly indicate mesothermal deposit.
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