Caldera de Paletará: approach to the source of the Cauca and Huila ignimbrites (Colombia)


  • María Patricia Torres Ingeominas
  • María Luisa Monsalve Ingeominas
  • Bernardo Pulgarín Ingeominas
  • Héctor Cepeda Ingeominas



Colombia, Central Cordillera, Calderic Structures, Paletara Valley, San Rafael Lagoon, phreatomagmatic, Landsat band 7

How to Cite

Torres, M. P., Monsalve, M. L., Pulgarín, B., & Cepeda, H. (1999). Caldera de Paletará: approach to the source of the Cauca and Huila ignimbrites (Colombia). Boletín Geológico, 37(1-3), 1–15.







The large volumes of pyroclasts and lava flows, located to the west and east of the Colombian Central Cordillera, filling the Cauca-Patía and Magdalena inter-cordilleran depressions, are associated with caldera structures, currently eroded, and covered with recent volcanic material.

Based on correlations of data from field work, analysis of the geographical distribution of hot springs and ignimbrite mantles, reported by several authors, as well as interpretation of satellite images and aerial photographs, this report proposes the existence of a caldera megastructure, located south of the Central Cordillera of Colombia in the departments of Cauca and Huila.

The structure, Paletará caldera, is in the sector between the Paletará valley and the San Rafael lagoon; inside it is the Coconucos volcanic chain and several structures of phreatomagmatic origin.

The Paletará caldera has an approximate diameter of 35 km. It is a collapsed caldera with resurgent volcanism, presented among others by the Coconucos volcanic chain, and would constitute the source if not of all, of a great part of the ignimbrites of Cauca and Huila.


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