Microestructuras asociadas a deformación frágil del relevo Ocaña-Curumaní. Sistema de Fallas de Bucaramanga


  • Mario Andrés Cuéllar Cárdenas Ingeominas
  • Julián Andrés López Isaza Ingeominas




Bucaramanga Fault System, fault rocks, cataclasites, brittle deformation

How to Cite

Cuéllar Cárdenas, M. A., & López Isaza, J. A. (2008). Microestructuras asociadas a deformación frágil del relevo Ocaña-Curumaní. Sistema de Fallas de Bucaramanga. Boletín Geológico, (42), 41–52. https://doi.org/10.32685/0120-1425/boletingeo.42.2008.18







The Ocaña-Curumani relief of the Bucaramanga Fault System is distributed asymmetrically through different deformative phases: high degree (mylonites) near the main fault; shear cataclastic systems to the west. The deformation is defined by a cataclastic series of rocks with quartzfeldespathic protoliths associated with the Bucaramanga Gneiss (mapped in sheet 55 El Banco) with a mineralogical composition that includes orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase feldspars, quartz biotite epidote apatite sphene and opaque minerals. The cataclastic texture is demonstrated by the accumulation of combined intracrystalline deformation along with grain size reduction where the microstructures that display the minerals register the deformation to which the rock has been exposed. This suggests cataclastic flow in sites of tangential breakup by the generation and distribution of orthogonal adjustments of fractures, in addition to intragranular, transgranular and circumgranular microfractures, Riedel shears, extensional structures and microfaults.


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